- Community Engagement
Celebration? Not for me, not now… How can we be happy in times our hearts are broken? (Hybrid)
- Sunday, August 11, 2024
- 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Join us in person
- Join us online
- Program Leader: Rabbi Gabby Dagan

The October 7 attack occurred on the morning of Simcha Torah. How can we ever celebrate this “joyous” holiday again when our hearts will always remember that day? How do we find hope when hope seems lost? How will Israelis ever recover from the shock of that day, and the ensuing months of threats and war. How can we, at TBE, ever get past the horrors we have seen and the loss we have experienced. Yet our people have always faced hardship and oppression and have found a way to survive and thrive. Through Jewish texts and sources, Rabbi Gabby from our sister Congregation in Haifa, Or Hadash, will lead us as we consider this difficult and important topic, not only for starting the healing in Israel, but also in our own hearts.
Registration: This event is available in person and online. Please click the appropriate purple bar above to register.
This event is sponsored by Branches to Haifa, which shapes TBE’s relationship with our partner congregation, Or Hadash, the largest reform congregation north of Tel Aviv and part of a pluralist education center.