- Adult Learning
A Wealth of Wisdom: Jewish Tradition and Money (Hybrid)
- Monday, March 18, 2024
- 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
- Join us in person
- Join us online
- Program Leader: Rabbi Vanessa Harper

Ever wondered what Jewish tradition might have to say about what’s in our wallets? How money is (or ought to be) acquired and spent is the subject of many texts which offer insight and inspire debate as to what a Jewishly-informed financial ethic might look like for each of us today. From investment to inheritance to tzedakah, learn from ancient and modern wisdom–and bring your own!–in this five-part series led by Rabbi Harper.
This course follows a sequential structure, but anyone is welcome to join at any point, or to drop into any class. If you have questions regarding participation, please contact Rabbi Vanessa Harper, vharper@tbewellesley.org.
Dates and Time: January 29, February 12, March 4 & 18, April 1, 7:30-9:00 pm
Cost: Members: Free / Non-members: $250
Registration: Please click on the purple registration bar above if you plan to attend in person. This event will also take place through a video conference call. Pre-registration is required. Please click the registration button above to pre-register. Once you have registered, your unique access link will be emailed to you. For classes that meet for multiple sessions, you only need to register once. You will be able to use the same Zoom link to access each session of the class. If you’re new to Zoom, watch a tutorial or read written instructions on how to join a Zoom video call.
This class is part of eLeMeNTs. | Lishma: Monday Night Torah – Connect to community and to ancient and modern Jewish wisdom through eLeMeNTs, TBE’s newest innovation in adult learning. Join us starting at 7:00 pm every Monday night for community connection, words of Torah, a dedication of learning, and a Kaddish opportunity before classes begin at 7:30.