We’re so proud of our b’nei mitzvah students and families for persevering and showing resilience in uncertain times. We are lucky to benefit from our students’ teachings as they are sharing and will continue to share their Divrei Torah (Teachings of Torah) on their originally scheduled B’nei Mitzvah date.
This week, Ethan Diamondstein teaches us about his Torah portion, Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei, Exodus 35:1–40:38:
“In a time when we’re encouraged to keep as much social distance from others as we can, it’s important to remember that the most vulnerable people in our community need our help now more than ever. If you can, when you’re planning your next trip to the supermarket, pick up some extra essentials to donate to your local food pantry. Or, reach out to elderly neighbors and see if you can save them a trip. If you need help, contact friends or neighbors and don’t hesitate to ask for it. These types of actions will help ensure that we don’t just get through this, but that we do it together, and we come out of it as a stronger community than we were before.”
Listen to Ethan’s full D’var Torah: