Ilse Leeser
Ilse was 10 years old when her father and 2 uncles were arrested, along with 30,000 other specific German Jews of influence and wealth, on Kristallnacht.
Read more >>Ilse was 10 years old when her father and 2 uncles were arrested, along with 30,000 other specific German Jews of influence and wealth, on Kristallnacht.
Read more >>Betty’s father made it to the US in March 1938. But by October 28, 1938, Betty, her mother, and sister were rounded up and expelled from Germany. They were sent to Poland.
Read more >>My father was born in Lublin, Poland in 1926. He almost never spoke about the Holocaust. This is what I have been able to put together.
Read more >>Sidi was a 15-year-old girl in 1944. That spring, she was among those deported from Hungary to Auschwitz, riding in a packed cattle car to an uncertain destination.
Read more >>Julian Bussgang was born in Lwow, Poland in 1925. Julian’s family belonged to the “Great Synagogue,” which at the time was considered Progressive.
Read more >>Israel (“Izzy”) was the third oldest of seven children (2 girls and 5 boys), born into an Orthodox Jewish family in Dubienka, Poland.