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Rabbi Joel Sisenwine

Yom Kippur 5781
September 2020

“Right before the world shut down, I packed up the scroll, I put it on my carry on, and I went to Israel.”

Rabbi Sisenwine shares the connection between TBE and the Hurva Synagogue in Jerusalem and the amazing story of returning a Torah scroll to the Hurva.

Rabbi Joel Sisenwine

Yom Kippur 5780
October 2019

“I believe that our Jewish community has a unique role to play in helping our nation repent for these sins. Afterall, we learned from Maimonides, over a thousand years ago, the path to t’shuvah. Let’s remember to recognize our past, to apologize for our nation’s wrongdoing, and to help repair the harm that’s been done.”

Rabbi Joel Sisenwine

Rosh Hashanah 5780
October 2019

“Pain is a part of life. It is the result of loving. It is the result of living a life of meaning.”

Rabbi Joel Sisenwine

Yom Kippur 5779
October 2018

“Yom Kippur is actually our day to consider our deaths, to enable us to refocus on our lives, to commit ourselves to a life lived fully with meaning.”

Rabbi Joel Sisenwine

Rosh Hashanah 5779
September 2018

“In Judaism, we learn that there is unique power to our words. What is the strongest muscle in the entire body? the rabbis asked. The tongue.”

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