My husband, Mark, and I joined TBE in January 1984, shortly after moving to Wellesley with a newborn son, David.
Years later, when David was given a Bar Mitzvah date of October 1996, Susan, then a new TBE staff person, was assigned to help us prepare for the big day. We were one of the first families to have the privilege of working with Susan on our child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Along with the clergy, Susan helped us create a perfectly coordinated, magical life event at TBE.
When our second son, Andrew, became a Bar Mitzvah in April 1999, Susan again provided her guidance and support. Her warmth, enthusiasm, competence, and caring were as evident then as they are now, 25 years later!
As Member Engagement Manager, Susan continues to nurture the entire TBE community. Susan is always there to greet you when you attend a service, social program, dinner, or community event. In addition, she is always responsible for the pastoral care phone line and compassionately directs congregants in times of need to the appropriate clergy and resources.
I became closer to Susan during the past three years while serving as Co-Chair of Sisterhood. Susan is the staff liaison for all member engagement programs and committees, including Sisterhood. Also, Mark and I travelled this past November with Susan and her husband Jeff on the amazing First Timers Trip to Israel led by Rabbi Sisenwine and Cantor Zell, enhanced by Susan’s logistical support and caring attention to detail.
Susan once shared with me what motivates her to give her all professionally to the many congregants at TBE: the meaning she derives from her personal connections with us.
Our family, like so many others, has been the beneficiary of Susan’s tireless dedication and commitment to help create a warm and welcoming environment at TBE.
If you would like to honor Susan, please consider a donation to the Shabbat Dinner Fund, TBEWellesley.org/Support-TBE. This Fund supports our congregational gatherings as we welcome Shabbat as a community.