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  • Community Engagement

Ending Hunger Initiative | Introductory Organizing Meeting (Hybrid)

Hunger is an epidemic that now affects more than 44 million Americans—that is more than the entire population of Canada! One in three households (34%) in Massachusetts experience food insecurity, which disproportionately affects families of color, LGBTQ individuals, seniors, veterans, single mothers and Native Americans. Even among those receiving government subsidies like WIC and SNAP benefits, 68% are still considered food insecure! Even in our wealthy communities surrounding Temple Beth Elohim, our neighbors need help.

Temple Beth Elohim congregants are already involved in many activities to address this problem. You are invited to join us to discuss a new Ending Hunger Initiative, envisioned as a collaborative partnership of all those interested in ending the tragedy of hunger. The Initiative aims to strengthen and align the efforts of TBE’s many current and future lay-led and organizational efforts addressing hunger through education, direct service and advocacy. By creating a forum for communication and coordinated programming at TBE, we can amplify our collective power to raise awareness about the prevalence of hunger and take action to end food security.

We look forward to hearing your ideas about how best to work together, to support one another’s programs, as well as promote actions collectively as a TBE community!

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