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  • Adult Learning

Adult B’Mitzvah (Hybrid)

  • Wednesday, March 22, 2023
  • 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
  • Program Leader: Cantor Shanna Zell & TBE Clergy Members
adult b'mitzvah

Interested in becoming Adult B’Mitzvah? Prepare for this sacred lifecycle event with Cantor Zell and other clergy members. This program will meet both in person and online.

SPRING 2022: Jan 12 & 26, Feb 9 & 23, Mar 9 & 23, Apr 6 & 20, May 4 & 18, Jun 1 & 15
FALL 2022: Sep 7, Oct 19, Nov 2, 16, 30, Dec 14
SPRING 2023: Jan 11, 25, Feb 8, 22, Mar 8, 22, Apr 5, 19, May 3, 17, Thu May 25 culminating ceremony

Please RSVP for this class by emailing Kristine Potter at kpotter@tbewellesley.org.

Health & Safety: If you’re joining us in person, please click here to see our up-to-date health and safety guidelines.