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“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”

~ Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Here for you for life’s transitions.

Experience Jewish tradition surrounded by the warmth of a caring community.


Mazel tov!
Traditionally, we welcome a boy on the eighth day of life through a circumcision ceremony performed by a mohel.

While there is no prescribed time for a baby naming, most families do so within the baby’s first year of life during our Friday evening Shabbat service or in a private ceremony.

Rabbi Sisenwine


Mark the beginning of your child’s formal Jewish education on Simchat Torah. Students are blessed at the ark and receive a miniature Torah of their own as we welcome our newest learners into our community.

Josh Rosenberg
Director, Young Family Learning & Engagement

Hebrew Names

Tradition teaches that every Jew should have a Jewish name, for “A good name is preferable to great riches.” (Proverbs 22:1)

Having a Hebrew name is an affirmation of Jewish identity and is used at special life cycle moments. People of all ages can receive a Hebrew name.

Rabbi Saphire
781.235.8419 x203

Reach Out

Susan Karon
Associate Director, Caring Connections

Pastoral Emergency Phone Line
781.235.8419 and follow the prompts.


What a blessing when a 13-year-old reads from the Torah and leads us in prayer.

Kristine Potter
781.997.4245 for information on dates, family programs, clergy appointments, and logistics.

Kellyn Morrow
781.977.4227 to coordinate your celebration at TBE!


Adult B’Mitzvah

Jewish learning and Hebrew instruction culminate in a group b’mitzvah with other adults.

Lynn Burke


As high school draws to a close, graduating seniors and their families celebrate years of Jewish learning as the teens move on to college, travel, or employment.

Hannah Kearney


The rabbi or cantor who marries you will counsel you in the months leading up to your wedding to strengthen your union and review options for your ceremony.

Our clergy marry Jewish, interfaith, and same-sex couples.

Rabbi Sisenwine


We warmly welcome people who decide to embrace Judaism. Working with a rabbi or cantor, you will meet, study, and cap off the process with a ceremony.

Rabbi Sisenwine

Interfaith Families

TBE is blessed by diversity. We welcome all families looking to nurture a connection to Jewish life. Through programs and gatherings, we explore the joys and challenges common to interfaith families.

We also bring together parents of adult children in interfaith families.

Rabbi Saphire
781.235.8419 x203

End of Life

The TBE clergy and community support members in their time of need, with guidance before and after the passing of an immediate relative.

Our clergy can help arrange hospice singers, mealmakers, and support
groups as you wish.

Rabbi Saphire
781.235.8419 x203

Reach Out

Susan Karon
Comfort, Care & Connection Specialist

Pastoral Emergency Phone Line
781.235.8419 and follow the prompts.

The temple building will be closed and all in-person programs, including religious school, are canceled on Sunday, February 9. Online programming will take place as planned unless otherwise notified.
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