Join JFS of Metrowest and TBE to provide backpacks full of school supplies to children in our community who need it most!
Rabbi Sisenwine will provide guidance and ideas for speaking to and blessing your child, fulfilling traditional honors, and conveying the meaning of b’mitzvah to their guests.
Enjoy some snacks, drinks, and meet our Education Team and your child's classroom teacher before the school year begins!
Exclusively for 7th and 8th graders, the Fall ExtravaGANNza is a chance to reconnect with camp and school friends, and make some new friends, at Gann Academy!
BaDerech (On Our Path) will engage students in grades K–5 in interactive learning about key narratives from our tradition, as part of living and learning in Jewish time. Students in grades 4 & 5 will choose to learn through specific modalities, including visual arts, STEM, performing arts, and cooking. This program will include weekly two-hour... Read More
B’Yachad (together), TBE’s 6th and 7th grade learning program, is an interactive, multidisciplinary, engaging program.
BaDerech will engage students in grades K–5 in interactive learning about key narratives from our tradition.
BaDerech (On Our Path) will engage students in grades K–5 in interactive learning about key narratives from our tradition.
B’Yachad (together), TBE’s 6th and 7th grade learning program, is an interactive, multidisciplinary, engaging program.
B’Yachad (together), TBE’s 6th and 7th grade learning program, is an interactive, multidisciplinary, engaging program.
Families with children in grades K–7, deepen your connection to our community with a 45-minute virtual service for the entire family.
Embrace the new year with moments of musical connection, holiday storytelling, and shofar blasting!
Join us for a meaningful, reflective ritual including shofar, song, and tossing stones into the river as we symbolically cast away our sins.
B’Yachad (together), TBE’s 6th and 7th grade learning program, is an interactive, multidisciplinary, engaging program.
BaDerech (On Our Path) will engage students in grades K–5 in interactive learning about key narratives from our tradition, as part of living and learning in Jewish time. Students in grades 4 & 5 will choose to learn through specific modalities, including visual arts, STEM, performing arts, and cooking. This program will include weekly two-hour... Read More
B’Yachad (together), TBE’s 6th and 7th grade learning program, is an interactive, multidisciplinary, engaging program.
BaDerech (On Our Path) will engage students in grades K–5 in interactive learning about key narratives from our tradition, as part of living and learning in Jewish time. Students in grades 4 & 5 will choose to learn through specific modalities, including visual arts, STEM, performing arts, and cooking. This program will include weekly two-hour... Read More