Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Sebastian Schneider.
In this course, we will explore legal and theological strategies employed in resolving seeming conflicts of Torah and Science.
Join experienced yoga teacher Stephanie Javaheri for a weekly mindful yoga ‘work in’ to cultivate awareness physically and mentally.
Tikkun middot is a Jewish practice for cultivating desirable middot, or character traits, including generosity, patience, balance, trust, and courage.
Wrap up your work week and enter Shabbat with intentionality and connection each week with Hannah Richman Kearney and The Well at TBE!
Come join our weekend artists-in-residence Lapidus & Myles for an inspiring minyan and Torah study.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Lucy Kohen.
Join us for a moving morning of music with Lapidus & Myles, a collaboration between two faith-based musicians in Atlanta.
In this course, we will explore legal and theological strategies employed in resolving seeming conflicts of Torah and Science.
Rabbis Vanessa Harper & Rachael Pass, who employ different reading approaches, will guide us as we explore difficult texts that conflict with our contemporary values.
Join experienced yoga teacher Stephanie Javaheri for a weekly mindful yoga ‘work in’ to cultivate awareness physically and mentally.
Wrap up your work week and enter Shabbat with intentionality and connection each week with Hannah Richman Kearney and The Well at TBE!
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Join experienced yoga teacher Stephanie Javaheri for a weekly mindful yoga ‘work in’ to cultivate awareness physically and mentally.
Our focus will be on the Blues that originated in the Delta region of Mississippi and the impact it had on American music and culture.
Tikkun middot is a Jewish practice for cultivating desirable middot, or character traits, including generosity, patience, balance, trust, and courage.
Wrap up your work week and enter Shabbat with intentionality and connection each week with Hannah Richman Kearney and The Well at TBE!
Join us for Shabbat services and dinner, followed by this special learning program on Jewishness and the arts. Register by Sunday, January 19 at midnight!
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Daniel Orloff.
Join Rabbi Jordy Callman for a 3-part series on Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove's "For Such a Time as This", exploring modern Jewish identity, especially in light of events post-October 7th.
In this course, we will explore legal and theological strategies employed in resolving seeming conflicts of Torah and Science.
Rabbis Vanessa Harper & Rachael Pass, who employ different reading approaches, will guide us as we explore difficult texts that conflict with our contemporary values.
Gather with other book lovers to discuss a chosen book each month. This month, we are reading "The Familiar" by Leigh Bardugo.
Join experienced yoga teacher Stephanie Javaheri for a weekly mindful yoga ‘work in’ to cultivate awareness physically and mentally.
Join TBE’s Ending Hunger Initiative to collaborate on education, service, and advocacy efforts to combat hunger and support our community
Join us for "Shalom Bollywood", a film uncovering the 2000-year-old Indian Jewish community's vital role in shaping Bollywood. Discover how Jewish women led on screen when cultural taboos kept others away. A discussion follows the film.
Wrap up your work week and enter Shabbat with intentionality and connection each week with Hannah Richman Kearney and The Well at TBE!
Join us for an Israel focused pre-Shabbat discussion led by Rabbi Jordy Callman.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Join Rabbi Jordy Callman for a 3-part series on Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove's "For Such a Time as This", exploring modern Jewish identity, especially in light of events post-October 7th.