Wellesley Interfaith Lay Dialogue (WILD) and Wellesley Clergy invite you to join in fellowship for the annual Wellesley Interfaith Thanksgiving service, this year hosted by St. John - St. Paul Catholic Collaborative.
Join us as we explore lessons the weekly Torah portion teaches us about engaging in civil discourse.
This series will give you an overview of how to contextualize and approach the types of Jewish sacred texts that you’re most likely to see in Torah study, the Beit Midrash, or other Jewish learning opportunities.
This first session will give us a deep dive into the tool we'll be focusing on this year: chevruta (partnered) study.
New England’s former Israeli Consul General and current J Street Israel Director, Nadav Tamir, will join us for a report from the ground in Israel, facilitated by Rabbi Sisenwine.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
In this course, we will explore legal and theological strategies employed in resolving seeming conflicts of Torah and science.
Our open ceramics studio is a space to connect and create in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere while learning a wide variety of clay hand building skills as well as decorative and finishing techniques using Jewish texts, holidays, and customs.
Amy Dain will lead this conversation on Massachusetts’ housing crisis. A panel of respondents will describe the costs of radicalized zoning practices and what actions we can take in our communities to address these challenges.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
The American Red Cross has a constant and ongoing need for blood donations. Please schedule your next donation appointment now to help prevent another blood shortage.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Join us for an exciting, joyful drum circle continuing this fall with our own Friday night service drummer, Noam Sender.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
Join us for a delicious dinner to connect, create community, and welcome Shabbat Registration deadline is December 1!
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
Come dance, sing, play, and pray then stay for some challah and schmooze with your FwYC community!
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Jonah Blumenthal and Max Zelman.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
Join us for a special Parent Hub session with Rabbi Naama Dafni-Kellen from our sister congregation Or Hadash in Haifa for a conversation about parenting in challenging times.
Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.
Come join the circle to knit healing shawls for our members experiencing serious illness or recovery, and baby hats for our newest members.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
Join us as we explore lessons the weekly Torah portion teaches us about engaging in civil discourse.
This series will give you an overview of how to contextualize and approach the types of Jewish sacred texts that you’re most likely to see in Torah study, the Beit Midrash, or other Jewish learning opportunities.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
Join Cantor Zell for TBE's Holy Singers, a second-year music project where we gather without musical scores to share our passion for singing, explore new melodies, and create spontaneous harmonies.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
In this course, we will explore legal and theological strategies employed in resolving seeming conflicts of Torah and science.
Our open ceramics studio is a space to connect and create in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere while learning a wide variety of clay hand building skills as well as decorative and finishing techniques using Jewish texts, holidays, and customs.
Join us for an evening filled with socializing and a potluck dinner at TBE to celebrate the warmth and light of Chanukah!
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
The vibrant and multifaceted richness of Sephardic life comes to life in Hebrew College’s fall art exhibit. Join us for a special gallery tour with both the artist and the curator, TBE member Deb Feinstein.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Join us for an exciting, joyful drum circle continuing this fall with our own Friday night service drummer, Noam Sender.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
Join us for a community-wide Shabbat dinner and an intergenerational Chanukah concert, featuring members of our entire community including Junior Choir, T'filah Band, TBE Adult Choir, Sharim, and our Cantors (and Rabbis!). Registration closes on Sunday, December 8 at 11:59 pm.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
Come dance, sing, play, and pray then stay for some challah and schmooze with your FwYC community!
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Tatum Barber.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
Join us for our 6th annual Chanukah Celebration and Dreidel Dash 5K! All proceeds benefit the TBE Youth Engagement Fund.
After the Dreidel Dash has concluded, come warm up inside with some singing and storytime featuring the forthcoming new storybook Charley & Seymour’s Hanukkah Miracle.
Join us after the Dreidel Dash for some Dreidel Drashing on three different Chanukah narratives from Greece, North Africa, and Israel!
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
This series will give you an overview of how to contextualize and approach the types of Jewish sacred texts that you’re most likely to see in Torah study, the Beit Midrash, or other Jewish learning opportunities.
Join us as we explore lessons the weekly Torah portion teaches us about engaging in civil discourse.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
Gather with other book lovers to discuss a chosen book each month. This month, we will discuss "The Forbidden Daughter" by Zipora Klein Jakob.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
In this course, we will explore legal and theological strategies employed in resolving seeming conflicts of Torah and science.
Our open ceramics studio is a space to connect and create in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere while learning a wide variety of clay hand building skills as well as decorative and finishing techniques using Jewish texts, holidays, and customs.
Join Cantors Jodi Sufrin, Roy Einhorn, Shanna Zell, Josh Rosenberg and accompanist Mark Feldhusen in a program honoring the Jewish Composers of the Great American Songbook.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Join us for an exciting, joyful drum circle continuing this fall with our own Friday night service drummer, Noam Sender.
Donate clothing and protein bars to be brought to Israel to support Israeli soldiers until December 20, 2024.
Sign off from the week a little earlier and begin to prepare for Shabbat with these 5:00 pre-service study sessions.
Join us for a special opportunity to study a timely topic from an adult perspective with Rabbi Debra Goldstein: what a full understanding of Chanukah—before and beyond the oil story—can teach us for today.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Drew and Tessa Hoglund.
Spend time with the TBE community on Christmas day, also the first night of Chanukah. We will have a Chinese food lunch, play games, have a sing-a-long, and light the candles together. RSVP by Sunday, December 22 at 11:59 pm!
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Join Cantor Josh to sing, play, dance, and pray in an engaging Shabbat service. Then, stay for a family Shabbat dinner with your FwYC community!
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Sebastian Schneider.
Join us for a night of food, factoids, and fun! Registration closes Wednesday, January 1 at 11:59 pm.