Rabbis Vanessa Harper & Rachael Pass, who employ different reading approaches, will guide us as we explore difficult texts that conflict with our contemporary values.
Gather with other book lovers to discuss a chosen book each month. This month, we will read "Misfit" by Gary Gulman.
Join Rabbi Dr. Jan Katzew in this series designed to catalyze the process of developing your own personal theology.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
Break new ground with us as we build a brand-new kind of beit midrash (house of study) that will equip you with our tradition’s timeless tools.
Tikkun middot is a Jewish practice for cultivating desirable middot, or character traits, including generosity, patience, balance, trust, and courage.
Join Rabbi Dr. Jan Katzew in this series designed to catalyze the process of developing your own personal theology.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
Discover how modern women scholars have uncovered and reimagined women's voices in Jewish texts, bringing new perspectives to biblical and rabbinic stories.
Rabbi Jordy Callman and Dr. Christopher Doty explore Reform Judaism's evolution through prayer books, platforms, and changing perspectives on key topics.
Join us for a 21+ Broadway-themed Purim party with food, drinks, games & great company! Costumes encouraged. Proceeds support Yad Chessed’s mitzvah of giving.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
Discover how modern women scholars have uncovered and reimagined women's voices in Jewish texts, bringing new perspectives to biblical and rabbinic stories.
Rabbi Jordy Callman and Dr. Christopher Doty explore Reform Judaism's evolution through prayer books, platforms, and changing perspectives on key topics.
Tikkun middot is a Jewish practice for cultivating desirable middot, or character traits, including generosity, patience, balance, trust, and courage.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
Discover how modern women scholars have uncovered and reimagined women's voices in Jewish texts, bringing new perspectives to biblical and rabbinic stories.
Rabbi Jordy Callman and Dr. Christopher Doty explore Reform Judaism's evolution through prayer books, platforms, and changing perspectives on key topics.
Gather with other book lovers to discuss a chosen book each month. This month, we will read "Fatherland" by Robert Harris.
Throughout the weekend, we will create and experience Shabbat through learning, music, reflection, prayer and building a sacred community. Registration closes Friday, February 14 at 11:59 pm.
Throughout the weekend, we will create and experience Shabbat through learning, music, reflection, prayer and building a sacred community. Registration closes Friday, February 14 at 11:59 pm.
Throughout the weekend, we will create and experience Shabbat through learning, music, reflection, prayer and building a sacred community. Registration closes Friday, February 14 at 11:59 pm.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
Rabbi Jordy Callman and Dr. Christopher Doty explore Reform Judaism's evolution through prayer books, platforms, and changing perspectives on key topics.
Discover how modern women scholars have uncovered and reimagined women's voices in Jewish texts, bringing new perspectives to biblical and rabbinic stories.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.