Rabbis Vanessa Harper & Rachael Pass, who employ different reading approaches, will guide us as we explore difficult texts that conflict with our contemporary values.
Join Rabbi Carol Mitchell for daf yomi, the daily practice of reading and discussing a page of Talmud a day. We meet once weekly on Friday mornings.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Break new ground with us as we build a brand-new kind of beit midrash (house of study) that will equip you with our tradition’s timeless tools.
Join Rabbi Carol Mitchell for daf yomi, the daily practice of reading and discussing a page of Talmud a day. We meet once weekly on Friday mornings.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Discover how modern women scholars have uncovered and reimagined women's voices in Jewish texts, bringing new perspectives to biblical and rabbinic stories.
Join Rabbi Carol Mitchell for daf yomi, the daily practice of reading and discussing a page of Talmud a day. We meet once weekly on Friday mornings.
Join a special Shabbat learning session exploring the Purim story through an adult lens, using "Wicked" as a fun perspective—no need to have seen the film!
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Discover how modern women scholars have uncovered and reimagined women's voices in Jewish texts, bringing new perspectives to biblical and rabbinic stories.
Join Rabbi Carol Mitchell for daf yomi, the daily practice of reading and discussing a page of Talmud a day. We meet once weekly on Friday mornings.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Discover how modern women scholars have uncovered and reimagined women's voices in Jewish texts, bringing new perspectives to biblical and rabbinic stories.
Join Rabbi Carol Mitchell for daf yomi, the daily practice of reading and discussing a page of Talmud a day. We meet once weekly on Friday mornings.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Discover how modern women scholars have uncovered and reimagined women's voices in Jewish texts, bringing new perspectives to biblical and rabbinic stories.
Join Rabbi Carol Mitchell for daf yomi, the daily practice of reading and discussing a page of Talmud a day. We meet once weekly on Friday mornings.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.