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Suspended at the heart of our temple is an inspirational sculpture named Jubilee. Wrought from cast bronze, copper and hand-dyed natural fibers, Jubilee encapsulates the principle of hiddur mitzvah, which means sacred beautification. Jubilee is based on the almond blossom, which holds great meaning in Judaism. 

In Hebrew, the word for almond is shakhed, which translates to “awakening.” As the almond blossom is the first to bloom in Israel after winter, it has become a national symbol of hope and renewal, a reminder that life is always possible despite inevitable periods of drought and darkness. 

In Aramaic, the word for almond is luz. The Torah tells us that Luz was the former name of the place where Jacob rested and dreamed, the place where he awoke and exclaimed, “God is in this place, but I, I didn’t know it… This indeed is a Beit Elohim, a House of God.” Just as Jacob awakened from his dream to the presence of God (Gen. 28:16–17), so too does our community awaken here together to share worship, learning, celebration, and acts of caring—for one another and for the world around us—as embodied in Torah.

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