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  • Adult Learning

All About Chanukah | Introduction to Judaism (In Person)

  • Monday, November 27, 2023
  • 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Join us in person
  • Program Leader: Rabbi Vanessa Harper
Almond Blossom

The world of Jewish learning is vast, and it’s not always easy to know where to begin! The second semester of this year-long course led by Rabbi Vanessa Harper offers an overview of major topics in Jewish life and learning—from holidays to history to home life—taught in sync with the Jewish calendar.

Participation in the first semester is not required to participate in this course! Classes begin with an assumption of no prior knowledge, and equip learners with the foundations to be able to explore topics of interest in greater depth.

Each session will cover a different topic; join our learning cohort for the full semester or drop in for an individual class that interests you. Wherever you are on your Jewish journey, there is a learning opportunity for you in this course!

Second Semester Sessions:

November 13 — History, Part 2 (70 CE through the Enlightenment)
November 27 — Chanukah
December 11 — Contemporary Judaisms
December 18 — Jewish Lifecycle Events
January 8 — What is Jewishness?

Cost: There is no fee for TBE members. Non-members are welcome to participate at a cost of $90/individual and $135/pair for the semester.
Registration: Click the purple registration bar above to register for the second semester. To register for an individual session, or if you have questions, please email Rabbi Harper at vharper@tbewellesley.org.