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Repair the World – Tikkun Olam

“The world depends on three things:
on Torah, on worship, and on deeds of loving kindness.”

~ Pirkei Avot 1:2

In Judaism, how we lead our lives is more important than what we believe in.
TBE offers many opportunities to repair the world.

Join us in learning, reflection, and good deeds of all types!


Social Action

Come together with TBE members and the broader community to learn about nuanced and complicated issues, advocate for justice, and help power change.

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Community Service

Join adults and/or families in small-group social justice activities that bring Jewish values to life. From organic farming to serving meals at shelters, you can make a difference.

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Collections & Tzedakah

Help support our community partners that help people in need. Donate money in our tzedakah box or items to our collection bins in the TBE lobby.

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Reach Out

Nicole Roos
VP, Tikkun Olam

Sandy Aronson
Director of Tikkun Olam Initiatives & Partnerships

Mira Warmflash
Tikkun Olam Youth Educator

Donate to the Social Action Fund


Repair the world from home

We still have the power to affect change and make a difference in people’s lives, even from home. 

Ongoing Opportunities

For up-to-date information on how you can repair the world from home, read our Mitzvah Moments newsletter. Discover upcoming events, partner organizations in our tzedakah box, drives, social action and community service opportunities, the latest TBE tikkun olam news, and more. 

Family Table

JF&CS Family Table is Greater Boston’s only Jewish food pantry. Each month, TBE is responsible for supplying 50 cans of salmon and 50 boxes of whole-grain cereal for families in need. 

Thank you for your support of Family Table as this challenging time continues. Let’s work hard to stock the shelves. Here is what you can do:

  • Purchase at the store: Buy 5 cans of salmon or 5 boxes of whole-grain cereal and drop them off at a collection bin outside TBE.

  • Purchase online in bulk: Buy at a minimum 12 items and ship them directly to JF&CS at Attn: Bernice Behar, Jewish Family and Children’s Service, 1430 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02451. You can also purchase via the Family Table Amazon wish list. Please donate only salmon and cereal in quantities of 12 or more.

Click here to sign up to contribute this month!

Virtual Tzedakah Box

We will make contributions from TBE’s Social Action Fund to assist some of our partner organizations during a potential shortfall of supplies and/or funding.  Please help us replenish these funds by contributing to the Social Action Fund, our virtual Tzedakah Box.

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