What Do the High Holy Days Mean to You?
As the High Holy Days approached, we asked members of our community to reflect on years past and look forward to the year ahead. These answers are from Dennis Barr, our VP of T’filah!
Read more >>As the High Holy Days approached, we asked members of our community to reflect on years past and look forward to the year ahead. These answers are from Dennis Barr, our VP of T’filah!
Read more >>In order to make room for giving, we must also receive. We bring a meal not because someone can’t afford a meal, but because it’s a way of showing we care. We call not because someone “needs” a call, but because we want to connect.
Read more >>After many years of partaking in Jewish practices as an outsider, I had one more question for Izzy: How can I join?
Read more >>We sprang into full production last September. Completing our first full year of TBE Table, we are truly amazed and thankful for how far we have come.
Read more >>“I’m excited to connect with families in a different way than I’ve been able to before.”
Read more >>While we have potential TBE member sponsors in the wings who are ready and wanting to welcome Ukrainians, the only restraint is making sure we have the funds to provide successful resettlement.